Every year Elephant Parade host an Artbox contest. To participate anyone of any age can purchase our Artbox kit and get creative.  All submissions are uploaded to a Facebook album where the community shares their thoughts, support and vote for their favourite design. Let’s meet our latest winner, Priscilla Teoh-Stoute, with her stunning design Little Happy (Xiao Le).


EP: Tell us about yourself.

Priscilla: I was born in Singapore in June 1964 and I have been a graphic designer and illustrator since 1985. After 25 years of designing professionally, I am dedicating my life to creating different art forms, mostly inspired by my love for nature. My frequent cultural journeys to many countries as well as gaining extensive experience with international clients from various backgrounds have further enriched my artistic journey. My art pieces have been exhibited, sold and commissioned internationally. 

As a nature lover, I am very excited to be part of the amazing work done by the Elephant Parade. It gives me great satisfaction to (indirectly) contribute to the protection of elephants by painting this large size elephant.


EP: How did you get your hands on the Elephant Parade Artbox?

Priscilla: I was presented the ArtBox by a friend as a gift. With much joy and passion, I began to paint the elephant. I did not realise yet that there was a competition for the best painted elephant. I was just inspired by the cause of protecting the elephant with my brush, so I aimed to express my respect for this impressive and amazing species.


EP: What was your inspiration?

Priscilla: I recently moved to Hong Kong and here I am much closer to the Chinese culture and way of living. One typical Chinese art form particularly caught my attention and fascination: paper cutting. In the modern age, this unique form of craftsmanship is at risk of being extinct. With the human drive to be part of the modern (digital) world, we run the risk of ‘selling away’ our cultural and environmental inheritance. Through this elephant, I hope to contribute and raise awareness that we should never take anything for granted.


EP: Why did you choose this theme/colour palette?

Priscilla: Red is an attractive colour and represents luck in Chinese culture. Black words are written in Chinese brush calligraphy to further strengthen the character. With all the various auspicious motifs and words of blessing, this elephant symbolises Happiness.


EP: Do you think art plays a vital role in environmental conservation awareness?

Priscilla: Definitely. To put it stronger, of the key purposes of Art is to keep people aware and constantly remind people of the consequences of our behaviour. Through art, we can mobilise people. Art attracts the eye, triggers the brain and makes us think further.


When you purchase an Elephant Parade Artbox, 20% net profit goes towards elephant conservation. 30% of all full size (1.5 metre baby elephant statue) sales go to elephant conservation.

To submit your design to compete in the 2019 competition, follow this link.

To buy an Artbox online, visit the Elephant Parade store by clicking here.



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With every purchase of an Elephant Statue you support conservation projects worldwide

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